Jaak Vilo
Head of the research group
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Professor Jaak Vilo, PhD, is an experienced research leader, with experience in interdisciplinary data science, bio- and health informatics. He has led many successful international and national projects, including research and infrastructure development ones. He has also had many administrative duties and led ELIXIR Estonia node development. He is ACM Senior member (the only one from Estonia). Vilo has supervised to completion 15 PhDs, one of the highest in Estonian IT, most completed PhDs continue successfully in research.

Raivo Kolde
Associate Professor of Health Informatics
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Raivo Kolde, PhD, is an associate professor of health informatics. He has degrees in mathematical statistics and PhD in bioinformatics. He did a postdoc at the Harvard Medical School and worked at Philips Research North America. He has created several popular software tools for research and led collaborative projects with biological and clinical researchers. Currently the research interests are centred in doing observational clinical research using health record databases and developing computational methods for such research.

Sven Laur
Associate Professor in Privacy-Preserving Data
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Sven Laur, PhD, is an Associate Professor of privacy preserving data mining with strong focus on machine learning and text mining, as well the cryptographic aspects of privacy. He leads the development of the EstNLTK toolkit for natural language processing in Estonian. He has so far supervised to completion 4 PhDs.

Elena Sügis
Lecturer in Health Informatics
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Elena Sügis, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Health Informatics at the chair of Data Science with experience both in academia and industry. Today her main focus is to bridge the gap between innovative technologies and their real-life applications in healthcare. In her research, Elena is specialising in integrating and analysing biomedical data using conventional machine learning and deep learning methods. She has been creating data collections, and building ML models in research projects in various domains, such as embryonic stem cells, toxicology, immunology, oncology, and neurodegenerative disorders. Besides research, Elena considers it important to raise awareness of artificial intelligence and data science. For this purpose, she has led the creation of five AI and data science MOOCs with more than 4000 participants. She actively participates in the development of international AI and data science MOOCs for healthcare professionals. These courses help to gain knowledge about data literacy and applications of artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Sulev Reisberg
Research Fellow of Health Informatics
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Sulev Reisberg, PhD, is a researcher in health informatics and personalised medicine. He is currently leading the collaboration on EHDEN and Health Sense projects, as well as development of national personalised medicine infrastructure development (PerMed). He has a deep knowledge of electronic health records, health registries and genetics - both from system development and analysis side. His current work focuses on reproducible health science, computational issues of personalised medicine, including pharmacogenetics, and clinical pathways mining.

Kerli Mooses
Research Fellow of Health Informatics
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Kerli Mooses, PhD, is a researcher in health informatics. She has Master degrees in Public Health and in Conversion IT. Her PhD is in Sport Sciences. Currently her research focuses on observational clinical research using health record databases.

Marek Oja
Research Fellow of Health Informatics
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Marek Oja, PhD, is a research software developer, and has PhD in physics. He is experienced in OMOP common data model for health data and tools development. His work focuses on developing the software and tools to manage and analyse the OMOP CDM data cohorts.

Sirli Tamm
Sirli Tamm, MSc, is a research software developer. Her work mostly focuses on converting electronic health records and health insurance claims data into OMOP common data model to facilitate observational studies. In addition to development of ETL process, her responsibilities are also related to data profiling and data quality control. She is also involved in the effort of mapping locally used vocabularies into standardized vocabularies (e.g., to SNOMED, RxNorm, etc.).

Helene Loorents
Helene Loorents, BSc, is a MSc student at the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics. Helene completed her bachelor's thesis on "The relationship between medication adherence and health outcomes" and now continues researching the topic of medication adherence, using various statistical methods.

Kaire Koljal

Ami Sild
Health Data Engineer-Analyst
Ami Sild, MCs, is an engineer-analyst of Health Informatics. She has a Master's degree in Data Science and her daily tasks consist of data engineering and working with OMOP common data model.

Maria Malk
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics

Maarja Pajusalu
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
Maarja Pajusalu, MSc, is a PhD student and Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics. Her research is focussed on developing visualisation methods (with R) for research using medical data in OMOP common data model.

Markus Haug
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
Markus Haug, MSc, is a doctoral student in health informatics. He – a junior researcher, specialises in patient treatment trajectories. His daily tasks include bits of software developing, data engineering and supervising.

Ida Maria Orula
Junior Research Fellow in Bioinformatics

Harry-Anton Talvik
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
Harry-Anton Talvik is a Junior Research Fellow at the University of Tartu’s Institute of Computer Science. His work focuses on health informatics, particularly in transforming electronic health records into standardized formats like the OMOP (Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership) Common Data Model. This transformation process is essential for enabling large-scale observational studies using health data. Harry-Anton has also contributed to several research projects aimed at improving data processing in healthcare, including developing repeatable workflows for extracting and transforming health data from various sources, such as electronic health records and insurance claims.
Harry-Anton completed his master’s thesis on transforming health records to the OMOP Common Data Model, which is an important step in the standardization of medical data for research purposes.

Hendrik Šuvalov
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
Hendrik Šuvalov, MSc, is a PhD student and Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics. His work revolves around the usage of language models in the understanding of Estonian medical texts and extracting information from unstructured reports.
Kunnar Kukk
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
The research focus of my doctoral thesis is disease trajectories and their automatic detection, creation of new methods. Thereby, I create new opportunities to identify connections between diseases from the secondary health data and to carry out further patient level research on previously discovered risks. My previous research experience as a graduate student has been related to language technology and spoken language recognition. I’m also a proud father of two.
Õie Renata Siimon
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
Õie Renata Siimon is Junior Research Fellow in Health Informatics. Having recently completed her MSc in Data Science, her research as doctoral student now revolves around building predictive and generative AI models on health records stored in OMOP databases.

Kermo Saarse
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics
Kermo Saarse, MSc, is a PhD student in Health Informatics. His research is focused on grouping related events (e.g diagnoses, measurements and prescriptions) together using medical data in OMOP common data model. This would produce a simplified version of patient’s medical history that could be used as input for other data analysis algorithms. It could also be helpful for patients and healthcare providers.
Anton Vykhovanets
Junior Research Fellow of Health Informatics